AMERICAN ART AWARDS is currently selecting the BEST GALLERIES + MUSEUMS in the USA
Official Gallery Ratings
OFFICIAL GALLERY RATING. Get an American Art Awards gallery to place a VALUE / GALLERY PRICE on your artwork and rate it in five areas. “This is not only valuable insight, it can be a fantastic tool to assist artists in selling their own work, ” says president of American Art Awards, Thom Bierdz, “They could say to a collector, look, if this were hanging at such and such gallery, they’d be asking this much…”
You will be emailed a DIGITAL certificate like the above. American Art Awards will LIST ALL GALLERY RATINGS on a special page aimed at collectors. (Of course if you do not like your Official Gallery Rating, we’ll delete any record of it.)
* AFTER YOU PAY, we’ll email you to ask you to send us your name, country, artwork title, year, size, mediums used and up to 2 photos of your artwork, then we’ll send that to the gallery along with THREE SENTENCES of yours, promoting your piece.